“J Schwanke’s Life In Bloom, the TV show focusing on flowers J Schwanke’s Life In Bloom, a half-hour lifestyle show focused on flowers, returns for its third season, beginning in April of 2021. ‘Flower Guy,’ J Schwanke is the creator/host and as a fourth-generation florist, award-winning author, and speaker, his passion for flowers is infectious. Each episode seeks to remind viewers of the positive impact flowers can have on health and well-being, every day. “Scientific research has shown that the presence of flowers has an immediate positive impact on people’s health and happiness,” reminds J Schwanke. “It’s been my life-long mission to show people how easy it is to improve their daily lives, by including flowers. Viewer response to the show continues to prove out that, even just viewing flowers, helps people to de-stress and relax. But additionally, I’m gratified to hear that so many viewers are picking up a bunch of flowers, or cutting from their garden, and trying their hand at arranging an easy bouquet.” Season three of J Schwanke’s Life In Bloom continues to spotlight the wellness benefits of flowers, embracing nature in general, and spending time outdoors. J visits more flower farms, as well as the iconic Flower Fields at Carlsbad Ranch, and Blandford Nature Center, a local resource for engaging with nature and flowers. “Nature centers and horticultural gardens exist in many, many communities and are often free to visit. Exploring gardens, and trails, and forests is so beneficial, in so many ways - even your own backyard can be a sanctuary for nature. It seems people have re-discovered that even a ten- or twenty-minute nature break will improve your mindset and outlook,” enthuses Schwanke. “However, even if such places are not nearby or accessible, gazing upon a small bouquet in your home, or dedicating yourself to house plants, can be a brief escape, with similar calming benefits.” Of course, J continues to showcase easy ways to arrange flowers with simple techniques that ensure success. He also welcomes friends and guests for segments with crafts, collecting, cooking, cocktails, and flowers for entertaining. Flower cookies, botanical soaps, a visit with a beekeeper, backyard butterflies, the story behind a mid-century dinnerware patter, and a bouquet of flower pins are all included, as well as easy-to-make recipes with flower-inspired twists, such as a floral flatbread, and cocktails with honey or maple syrup from nature. J Schwanke’s Life In Bloom becomes available to public television stations, including CREATE stations, beginning in April of 2021. The series is presented and distributed by American Public Television. To find when “Life In Bloom” is airing in your area - click here - and enter your zip code and service provider! Click Here to read the "Life In Bloom" press release from 4/5/21. |